Wednesday 29 August 2018


Our hand, that marvel of evolution, the maker of wondrous things, the destroyer of beauty. Equally capable of giving a caress as well as of delivering a fatal blow. The hand that writes poems in exquisite calligraphy, is as adept at signing death warrants. The hand that builds is  also the hand that demolishes, that which takes as well as that which gives. The hand which plays beautiful music, can also beat the drums of war...

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday meme,
and also part of the ABC Wednesday meme,
and also part of the Nature Notes meme.


  1. I've never thought my hands were pretty. I say that I inherited my grandfather's hand. My mother and grandmother had beautiful long fingers with shapely nails. My fingers are short and stubby and my nail never grow long and hard enough to file into pretty points. But boy can my hands work, and for me that is more important. Thanks Grandpa. - Margy

  2. Your prose got me thinking. A kind hand can quickly turn violent. Shudder.

  3. Workers used to say that you could always tell the physically lazy upper classes by their hands. Delicate hands showed the owners never did a day of labour in their lives!

  4. A piece of the miraclemachine of our body

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)
