Thursday 21 May 2015


Arum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to Europe, northern Africa, and western and central Asia, with the highest species diversity in the Mediterranean region. Frequently called "arum lilies", they are not closely related to the true lilies Lilium. Plants in the closely related tribe Zantedeschia are also called "arum lilies".

They are rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial plants growing to 20–60 cm tall, with sagittate (arrowhead-shaped) leaves 10–55 cm long. The flowers are produced in a spadix, surrounded by a 10–40 cm long, coloured spathe, which may be white, yellow, brown or purple; some species are scented, others not. The fruit is a cluster of bright orange or red berries. All parts of the plants are poisonous, containing significant amounts of calcium oxalate as raphides. The genus name is Latinised form of the Greek name for these plants, aron.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


  1. Nice shot! Perfectly sharp and exposed, but maybe it would be better as a vertical? Very cool plant.

  2. Lovely flower. Have never seen an Arum that colour. We have masses of the white ones.

  3. Lovely,'s what we call a calla blossom (similar to one of our popular flower)!! Wonderful to see new blooms and to somehow recognise them...and, also, to learn about their english or latin names... A great start in week!
